An opinion is a view, thought, attitude, belief or judgment formed about something. It is neither conclusive nor necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Here are some most commonly used expressions about giving your opinion:
I think… |
What I think is… |
In my opinion… |
I strongly believe that… |
In my view |
Quite frankly |
I feel… |
I’m not sure about it |
As I see |
I have no opinion on this issue |
I’m telling what I think |
As far as I am considered |
From my point of view |
My initial reaction is… |
I suppose… |
I tend to think that… |
Some people may oppose me, but… |
It seems to me that… |
What I mean is… |
I’m quite unaware of all the things, you know |
I hold the view that… |
He behaved very rudely, didn’t he? |
In my opinion, they treated her badly |
I thought it was very interesting |
But I think that it’s an excellent idea |
She was a bit careless, wasn’t she? |
According to me |
I’m of the option that… |
Know first what I think |
Was the movie interesting? |
Do you think…? |
Do you have any views on…? |
Would it be wrong to say…? |
Don’t you think that this shirt suits me? |
Am I rightly saying…? |
Could I ask what you think about it? |
From your point of view, …? |
I’m sure you’d agree that… |
Does it look very bad? |
Any doubt regarding this rule? |
Is it in fact the case that…? |
Do you think that he/she should…? |
Is it in fact the matter that… |