Home MH STATE BOARD Std.12-Maharashtra State Board_Appreciation of all Poems

Std.12-Maharashtra State Board_Appreciation of all Poems

Std.12-Maharashtra State Board_Appreciation of all Poems

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“Poetry is the creativity of a person’s imagination. Like any other literary work, it needs to be understood, to be appreciated. The poet writes for a reason. His purpose may be to evoke emotion, inform, define, and represent something of the world or life. Whatever the case, a poem is unique to its writer. And each poem can be analyzed to be appreciated.”

Std. 12, English
Que. No. 3 (B), 4 Marks

Marking Scheme:
Theme & Language Features 2 marks
Explanation & Presentation 1 mark
Personal Opinion & Evaluation 1 mark

About poem, poet and title
The theme
Poetic style
Language and poetic devices
Special features
Message, value, morals
Own opinion

2.1_Song of the open road

About poem, poet and title ‘Song of the Open Road’.
Taken from the collection ‘Leaves Of Grass’.
American poet Walt Whitman.
The theme i. Freedom.
ii. Mobility.
iii. Journey of Life.
Poetic style Free verse.
Consisting four stanzas.
Use of personal pronouns.
Language and poetic devices Use of artistic language, easily understood.
Use of Repetition, Metaphor, Paradox and Inversion. No rhyming scheme.
Special features The word ‘road’ is symbolic.
It is compared with human life.
It is the sign of mobility.
Message, value, morals We must believe in our strength.
Freedom is the real life.
Life is dynamic-live happily.
Own opinion I think, we should not depend on luck. Everyone is the creator of his own life. We must face the difficulties in the journey of life. Life is Challege.

2.2_Indian Weavers

About poem, poet and title ‘Indian Weavers’.
Short and meaningful poem.
Indian poetess Sarojini Naidu.
The theme i. Life of weavers.
ii. Three stages of human life.
Poetic style Consisting three stanzas.
Colourfully presented.
Depiction of human life and human actions.
Language and poetic devices Use of artistic language, easily understood.
Use of Alliteration, Metaphor, Imagery and Inversion. Use of rhyming with the scheme- aabb
Special features The journey of human life with three stages.
Effective use of images and symbols.
Reveals hard life of weavers.
Message, value, morals We must keep working.
Life is momentary-live happily.
Death is the final truth of human life.
Own opinion I think, the use of birds and colours really made the poem rather beautiful. The poetess has a keen observation of every aspects of human life.

2.3_The Inchcape Rock

About poem, poet and title ‘The Inchcape Rock’.
British poet Robert Southey.
The theme An Abbot and a Pirate.
Evil feeling of jealousy.
Poetic style A Ballad.
Long poem, consisting seventeen stanzas.
Effective use of archaic words.
Language and poetic devices Use of artistic language, easily understood.
Use of Alliteration, Metaphor and Inversion.
Use of ‘aabb’ rhyming scheme.
Special features Presented in didactic or instructive way.
Old English words like ‘blest’, ‘quoth’, ‘canst’ are used. ‘Rock’ is the central attraction of the poem.
Message, value, morals Always think positively.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Jealousy is the most dangerous disease.
Own opinion I think, dismissing another’s achievement is an ideal strategy for excusing our own failure. We should not overrate what we have received, nor envy others. One who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

2.4_Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

About poem, poet and title ‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’.
An Inspirational Poem.
American poet Edgar Guest.
The theme Urge to be thoughtful in day-to-day life.
The real value of life.
Life is beautiful, lead it together.
Poetic style Consisting of four stanzas.
Use of many questions to convey an idea.
Presented in appealing style.
Language and poetic devices Use of simple language.
Effective use of Interrogation and Alliteration.
Use of aabb rhyming scheme.
Special features Uplifting poem that teaches the way to create glory in one’s life.
Message, value, morals One should do good to others.
‘Live and let others live’.
Be a good human being, a warm hearted person.
Own opinion Obviously the poem teaches us good manners. I think the poem tests our compassion and kindness towards others. Really, it’s inspiring!

2.5_Father Returning Home

About poem, poet and title ‘Father Returning Home’.
Taken from ‘Travelling in a Cage’.
Dilip Chitre, a bilingual poet.
The theme i. Loneliness and world-weariness of old man.
ii. Monotonous life of old man.
iii. Isolation from man-made world.
Poetic style Consisting of 25 lines.
Skillful use of long lines with strong use of imagery. Presented in depressed tone.
Language and poetic devices Simple & straight-forward language.
Use of 1st and 3rd person. Descriptive words are used. Effective use of Alliteration, Simile and Onomatopoeia.
Special features Poem communicates the apathy of society towards old people. Poet sketches his father’s image.
Message, value, morals Love your parents and treat them with loving care. One person caring another represents life’s value.
Own opinion I find this poem highly applicable to today’s modern world. Strong message is conveyed with simplicity. I salute the poet’s keen observation of modern society.


About poem, poet and title ‘Money’.
A Reflective Poem.
Welsh poet William Henry Davies.
The theme i. Money and Personal Happiness.
ii. Meaning of Real Happiness.
Poetic style Consisting of five stanzas.
Use of Exclamations to show strong feelings.
Skillful use of imagery and symbols.
Language and poetic devices Effective use of 1st person. Simple and narrative.
Use of Alliteration, Antithesis, Metonymy and Simile. Use of different rhyming scheme in each stanza.
Special features Direct comparison between the life of rich and poor people.
Message, value, morals Contentment is the greatest form of wealth’.
‘Happiness comes after satisfaction’.
‘Money can buy happiness but not contentment’.
Own opinion I’m of the opinion that real wealth can be measured not by what you have but by what you are.

About poem, poet and title ‘She Walks in Be-auty’.
A Short Lyrical Poem.
English romantic poet Lord Byron.
The theme Inner be-auty and outer be-auty.
Be-auty and harmony of mind and body.
Balance between light and dark.
Poetic style Consisting of three stanzas.
All stanzas are well-balanced to present the idea of Be-auty. Written in Iambic Tetrameter.
Language and poetic devices Presented in rich and impressive language. Use of Simile, Antithesis, Alliteration and Personification. The poem follows a rhyme scheme of ‘ababab’.
Special features Byron has given this poem a romantic feel and touch to make it an eternal literary piece.
Message, value, morals Outer Be-auty attracts, but inner Be-auty captivates. External Be-auty is a gift but an internal Be-auty is an accomplishment.
Own opinion According to me, Be-auty is not in the Face, Be-auty is a Light in the Heart. I think, everything has Be-auty but not everyone sees it.

2.8_Small Towns and Rivers

About poem, poet and title ‘Small Towns and Rivers’.
Taken from the collection ‘The River Poems’.
Indian poetess Mamang Dai.
The theme Description of poet’s hometown ‘Pasighat’.
Need to preserve the natural goodness.
‘Life and death’. ‘Mortality and Eternity’.
Poetic style Free verse. Consisting of seven stanzas.
The river symbolically depicts nature and its permanence.
Language and poetic devices Simple and creative language is used to depict the attractiveness of nature. Use of Metaphor, Simile, Antithesis, Repetition and Personification.
Special features The poem is based on the beliefs and ideology of the tribal people from North East India. Various natural elements are skillfully mentioned in the poem.
Message, value, morals We should protect nature and its elements. It is our responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.
Own opinion I think, the poem presents a contrast between the mortal humans and the immortal nature.

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