Home MH STATE BOARD Std.10_English_Maharashtra State Board: Textual Vocabulary Activities_Lesson: ‘World Heritage’

Std.10_English_Maharashtra State Board: Textual Vocabulary Activities_Lesson: ‘World Heritage’

STD.10-Textual Vocabulary Based Activities_World Heritage

Std.10 English: Textual Vocabulary Activities
Que. 2 (A) Seen Passage_A3 (2 Marks)

Std.10_2.6_vocabulary_world heritage

Activity 1: Match the Synonyms:
i. significance a. suggestion
ii. determined b. norm
iii. recommendation c. importance
iv. criteria d. decisive

Ans: i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b

Activity 2: Match the pairs of Antonyms:
i. different a. excluded
ii. naturally b. imprudent
iii. responsible c. artificially
iv. included d. similar

Ans: i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a

Activity 3: Give meanings of the words by choosing correct alternatives:
i. site a. inclusion b. location c. list  d. project
ii. characteristics a. feature b. scenic c. early d. general
iii. artifact a. strange b. handsome c. emerge d. articles
iv. launch a. category b. introduce c. consider d. region
v. initiate a. list b. force c. begin d. equal
vi. convention a. command b. agreement c. concrete d. heaven
vii. conservation a. preservation b. prediction c. invention d. submission
viii. tentative a. rare b. successful c. conditional d. poor
ix. allocate a. assure b. assist c. assault d. assign
x. territory a. religion b. region c. medal d. reaction

Ans: i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b, v-c, vi-b, vii-a, viii-c, ix-d, x-b

Activity 4: Pick out from the lesson Homophones for the following (Page 76):
a. witch b. sight
c. hire d. men

Ans: a. which b. site c. higher d. main

Activity 5: Pick out from the lesson Homophones for the following (Page 77):
a. weather b. list
c. ad d. steppe

Ans: a. whether b. least c. add d. step

Activity 6: Match the phrases in Column A with their meanings in Column B:
a. scores of i. to print
b. to inscribe ii. plenty of
c. adopted by iii. pulling down
d. dismantling iv. choose to take up

Ans: a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii

Other Lessons:

An Encounter of a Special Kind
His First Flight
The Boy Who Broke the Bank
An Epitome of Courage
Book Review: Swami and Friends
A Lesson in Life From a Beggar
Let’s March!
The Alchemy of Nature
John of Arc
A Brave Heart Dedicated to Science & Humanity


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