Home Spoken English Common English Expressions: Greetings

Common English Expressions: Greetings

Useful Expressions-GREETINGS

When we meet someone we warmly greet them by using polite words. Greetings are the formal expressions of goodwill, said on meeting or in a written message. Greetings give a good start to conversation. Here are some most commonly used Greetings in English:

   Good morning / afternoon / evening
   How are you?
   Hello! How are you?
   How have you been?
   It’s nice to meet you
   Nice to see you
   It’s a pleasure to meet you.
   It’s been a long time we met!
   How nice to meet you!
   How nice to see you again!
   Hey / Hey there
   What’s up? / What’s new?
   What’s going on?
   How’s your day going?
   How do you do?
   How are things?
   I’m pleased to see you
   I’m glad to meet you
   Are you fine?
   Are you OK?

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