Home Spoken English Common English Expressions: Expressing Worry/Fear

Common English Expressions: Expressing Worry/Fear

Useful Expressions-Expressing Worry-Fear

The words ‘Fear‘ or ‘Worry‘ are related to negative thoughts. They are known as
mental distress or agitation resulting from concern, usually for something impending or anticipated. They are an instances or occurrences of distress or agitation. Here are the most commonly used expressions for Worry or Fear.

  I’m worried
  I’m frightened
  I’m concerned
  I was very concerned
  Are you sure it’ll be all right?
  Do you think so?
  I’ve little bit of fear
  I’m worrying about…
  I’m afraid that…
  What if…?
  Suppose the building collapses?
  It really made me fearful
  If you don’t study, you’ll fail in exam
  I’m restless now
  I don’t know what will happen
  I know what will happen
  God knows!
  It scares me
  It scared me a lot
  They may struggle a lot
  It’s not easy for them
  It’s risky to…
  It’s really strange
  It’s really awful
  What could have happened to him?
  What could have…?

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