Home MH STATE BOARD Std.10_English_Maharashtra State Board: Textual Vocabulary Activities_Lesson: ‘An Encounter of a Special Kind’

Std.10_English_Maharashtra State Board: Textual Vocabulary Activities_Lesson: ‘An Encounter of a Special Kind’

STD.10-Textual Vocabulary Based Activities_An Encounter of a Special Kind

Std.10 English: Textual Vocabulary Activities
Que. 2 (A) Seen Passage_A3 (2 Marks)

Std.10_1.2_vocabulary_an encounter of a special kind

Activity 1: Match the phrases in Column A with their meanings in Column B:
a. to be a part and parcel of i. to be completely occupied in
b. to be engrossed in ii. to observe and give attention
c. to take notice of iii. to be an essential or integral part
d. to figure out iv. to be able to solve a problem

Ans: a-iii, b-i, c-ii, d-iv

Activity 2: Match the phrases in Column A with their meanings in Column B:
a. to ponder over i. to be affected emotionally in a powerful way
b. to be overwhelmed by ii. very quickly
c. in a flash iii. to find comfort and peace
d. to find a solace iv. to think about seriously

Ans: a-iv, b-i, c-ii, d-iii

Activity 3: Match the Synonyms:
i. individual a. unfortunate
ii. majestic b. revealed
iii. unfolded c. single
iv. hapless d. awesome

Ans: i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a

Activity 4: Match the pairs of Antonyms:
i. private a. die
ii. recalled b. public
iii. survive c. ascend
iv. descend d. forgot

Ans: i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c

Activity 5: Give meanings of the words by choosing correct alternatives:
i. cuddled a. ask for b. held closely c. close off d. moved
ii. vicious a. straight b. think deeply c. sentimental d. evil
iii. trauma a. great distress b. edge c. inspection d. langur
iv. encounter a. survey b. come across c. trust d. dry out

Ans: i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b

Activity 6: Complete the table:
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
deepen depth —— deeply
specialise —— special specially
—— appearance apparent apparently
present presence present ——

Ans: deep, speciality, appear, presently

Other Lessons:

His First Flight
The Boy Who Broke the Bank
An Epitome of Courage
Book Review: Swami & Friends
World Heritage
A Lesson in Life From a Beggar
Let’s March!
The Alchemy of Nature
John of Arc
A Brave Heart Dedicated to Science & Humanity


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