Activity 1: Pick out from the lesson Homophones for the following (Page 31):
a. steal-
b. hit-
c. sin-
d. knight-
Ans:a-still, b-heat, c-seen, d-night
Activity 2: Pick out from the lesson Homophones for the following (Page 32):
a. peace-
b. itch-
c. gate-
d. site
Ans:a-piece, b-each, c-get, d-sight
Activity 3:Pick out the odd element from the group:
a. great, long, little, felt
b. flew, flapped, young, became
c. family, shrilly, eagerly, plaintively
d. wing, loud, flight, beak
Ans:a-felt (this is verb, others are adjectives), b-young (this is adjective, others are verbs), c-family (this is noun, others are adverbs), d-loud (this is adjective, others are nouns)
Activity 4:Find Synonyms for the following words (Page 31):